Android FAQ

Android App Frequently Asked Questions

How to update to the latest version?

Follow these steps to manually update your app.

  1. Open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Touch the Menu icon (3 lines)
  3. My Apps.
  4. Apps with available updates are labeled “Update.”
  5. Select “Villages GPS” and touch Update.
How to check and see if there is a new Operating System for your actual Android phone?
  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap About device at the bottom of the menu.
  3. Tap System updates.
  4. Tap Check for update.
  5. Tap Download if an update is available.
  6. Tap Install after the update finishes downloading.
When in doubt…Delete and Reboot the app following these exact Steps?
  1. Delete the app off your phone.
  2. Power Off and back on your phone.
  3. Click Play Store app.
  4. Go to my Apps and Games.
  5. Select Library.
  6. Scroll down to Villages GPS.
  7. Click on it to reload to your phone.
How to get app back after deleting from your Android?
  1. Click Play Store app.
  2. Go to my Apps and Games.
  3. Select Library.
  4. Scroll down to Villages GPS.
  5. Click on it to reload to your phone.
Follow these steps to see what version your app currently is

Settings -> Installed Apps -> Click Villages GPS and it will say version.

How to exit from the app?
On the Android, All you do is keep clicking your Back button until you don’t see our app. That stops it.

Have more questions?

Click on Contact Us and send us your questions. We would be happy to assist.